
Hello you strange and quite possibly scary internet person you!

What you will find here is a sample of my creative mind hard at sleep along, possibly some updates on my other hobbies, interests, and of course my never ending periods of writers block.

Hopefully something here will interest you. If not...well. Sod off!

Herein you will find links to my stories, and possibly some abortive attempts at writing. Most are too long to paste into these boxes, so links and updates will have to suffice!


Monday, 30 January 2012

Back from another trip

Had to travel back to Lincolnshire this weekend. I didn't mind doing it, for my grandma is very ill. Living in London means with the excception of my sister and uncle all of my family is a long way away. It can be hard and expensive to see people, but this was a much needed and completley unbegrudged visit.

However, Lincolnshire and London are not particularly close. Long train journeys are the dish of the day. There is an upside to this however, I can take my laptop (...liberated from sister) laptop with me and get on with some hearty writing!

As of this moment, I am 80 words shy of 20,000! Not a huge amount, I know. But it's getting towards the longest thing I've ever continuously written. Exciting times!


Sunday, 22 January 2012


Taking a couple of days break from writing. I've dispatched my first few chapters to an unlucky friend to guage his reaction.

Biting my nails now!

Bleeeeeh. I hate suspense!


Thursday, 19 January 2012

A logo!

Weeeee. A logo!

Thanks Matt :D


Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Searching for a concept artist

I'm looking for a concept artist to help finalise some ideas in my head for uniforms and appearance of several of the characters in the novel I am writing about. I'm not looking for a hand-out here, but I'm also not swimming Scrooge McDuck style in cash right now.

If anyone knows someone who would be interested in giving me a hand with this side project, or could point me in the right direction I would be very grateful. One thing is for sure however, the anime style art is a no-go. I'm not writing light-hearted fluff, but gritty, dirty, fuctional and realist prose. As such, the art styles I'm looking for need to reflect that tone.

S'not going to stop me writing, it's just something I would like to pursue at the same time!


Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Oh my!

The Elizabeth: The Golden Age soundtrack is utterly perfect for writing. Admittedly, it's heavily hallmarked with all of what I've come to expect from Craig Armstrong's 'classical' music, but the highs and lows are pitch perfect.

There's some seriously stirring stuff on it. For example:

Weee, I'm on a roll now! Back to the desk I go!


Monday, 16 January 2012

I just...

...read what I wrote last night after drinking a bit too much absinthe (...I bought it, so I gotta drink it. Foul stuff). Suffice to say, there is a bucketload to delete now!



Sunday, 15 January 2012


Been struggling to be creative recently, but it doesn't amount to a complete 'writer's block', so I guess I'll call it 'writer's weir'! I seem to be able to manage a couple of hundred words per sitting, but then run out of steam, very annoying.

Perhaps I should look into methods of loosening my mind up (some might say it's already as loose as can be...barely hanging on even!) in order to open the floodgates. Or perhaps it's merely a phase, I never know with my writing.

I wonder if it's a lack of positive confirmation from a reader that's holding me back. I'm so used to writing in instalments and receiving a confidence boost in the form of comments (or at least an indication of what's going wrong) before moving on to the next chapter/segment.

With this, the actually attempt at novel writing, I don't have the same sort of confidence boost in dribs and drabs. I have to rely on my own opinion, which isn't the best of moves - what with me being massively self-critical and my own worst enemy when it comes to the written word!

Dare I say it, but opinions anyone? (go on, don't be shy!)

Also, some more tracks selected in this order by my random play all music machine!:


Thursday, 5 January 2012

Writing is a musical journey

I've realised that I don't think I've ever actually written anything in silence. There's always something playing from my collection. I've been doing an experiment with myself this evening, writing without music and I find inspiration is strangely lacking.

I hope I'm not sponging off of other people's creativity!

Either way, I thought it would be nice to share more of my favourite tracks, maybe I can share some of the vibes somehow!

I'll start with a varied collection...(I usually put my playlist on random play-all and I've got a very eclectic collection!)


Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Back to work

Amazing. I come back from holiday, spend a day at work and I'm instantly writing the moment I get home. Sheesh. Holidays are clearly bad for my writing brain!

Ah well, I'm back and alive and kicking after the ritual stuffing period. Hope everyone had a somewhat pleasant time over the festive period!

I was thinking about sharing some details of what I'm actually writing. And decided why not.

I'm lending my hand to my own combination of steam and diesel punk fantasy. No, there's no dwarfes or goblins to be seen I'm afraid, just humans at thei most debased and primordial. There's a powder keg about to explode aboard the setting I have chosen, The Odyesa. I'm hoping that not only will this grab people's attention, but be something actually worthy of keeping it!
