
Hello you strange and quite possibly scary internet person you!

What you will find here is a sample of my creative mind hard at sleep along, possibly some updates on my other hobbies, interests, and of course my never ending periods of writers block.

Hopefully something here will interest you. If not...well. Sod off!

Herein you will find links to my stories, and possibly some abortive attempts at writing. Most are too long to paste into these boxes, so links and updates will have to suffice!


Monday, 18 March 2013

Commission Signed-Off


The commission is complete, and the client is happy (from what I can tell!). I wasn't very confident about it, but it seemed that it's gone down well - which makes me happy! Still a little nervous about its quality, but meeeh. What can I do!

It means I'm going to be open again, but for a while only short-short things. I need to get back in touch with editing The Fall of the Ascended (yeah, that's right - I've given my novel a working name 8D ).

I've left Mariya and co alone for far too long and I feel like they're starting to fall out of my consciousness. Which is bad! They need to be fresh and vibrant once again and so it's back to being an editing-drone!


1 comment:

  1. Finally, a name to the novel! Good one at that. Can't wait to read it.
