
Hello you strange and quite possibly scary internet person you!

What you will find here is a sample of my creative mind hard at sleep along, possibly some updates on my other hobbies, interests, and of course my never ending periods of writers block.

Hopefully something here will interest you. If not...well. Sod off!

Herein you will find links to my stories, and possibly some abortive attempts at writing. Most are too long to paste into these boxes, so links and updates will have to suffice!


Saturday, 17 March 2012

Some Details


I thought it was about time that I actually talked about what it is I have been working on. I keep mentioning word counts, crashing laptops, writers block etc, but I've yet to actually note what it is that I'm actually writing!

So without further ado, and without any spoilers,I hope...ta-daaaa!

Phill's Genre of Choice: A mish-mashed combination of Steampunk and Dieselpunk with a healthy dollop of gritty, low fantasy adventure all lightly dusted with some horror-esque and emotional elements.


The Setting: Welcome to the Odyesa, a vast airship city flying above the oceans of the Abandoned Lands. The Odyesa (formerly the Odessa before I decided to go make clearer distinctions between the real world and this) and her sister ships were built in the dying days of the Golden Age as a means of escaping the dangers of the ground. Built to last, these vast flying citadels are still going strong some two and a half thousand years after their launch.


Notable features: The mostly benevolent goddess Vestae, whose faith was all but snuffed out during the Abandonment is slowly returning in power. Vestae once took an active part in the shaping of mankind's future, but for various reasons faith in her was lost and without worship she became all but a non-entity. Unable to yet form a physical manifestation in the world, she uses other means to aid the flock that attempted to forget her.

Pirates! The rich and the successful were not the only ones to flee the ground when the time came. Other vessels were launched and populated, but fell to infighting and eventually piracy in order to sustain themselves. These airborne freebooters are an ever-present threat to the security of the well established ships such as the Odyesa.

Why the sea, why not the land? The Airships mostly drift above the oceans, this is no coincidence. Firstly, above the land comes the airborne threat of gryphones and other winged nasties. Secondly, the sea provides almost everything they need to function. Water for drinking and producing hydrogen to stay afloat, fish for food, sharks and whales for leather and other materials.  


The Characters: I don't want to get too deep into this, as I would rather some people remain a surprise, including their motives. Here's a rundown of some of them and their quirks!

Mariya Katherina Gregova Paulus - Our erstwhile police inspector heroine. Much of the book is due to focus on her. She is a very flawed character, successful in her chosen career but often at the expense of others skills. Prone to indecision, near-alcoholism and selfishness Mariya is not the first call for a hero, nor would it be something she would ever describe herself as being. Regardless, she usually acts in the best interests of her friends and colleagues, has a healthy respect for the law and split loyalties between the ship of her birth, the Paulus and her home vessel, the Odyesa.

Olesya Mariele Gregova Paulus - Sister to Mariya, Olesya represents several polar opposites. A free spirited salvager (sifts through the dangerous ruins of the golden age) she comes and goes as she pleases. Whilst seeming aloof and daring, she actually has a very level head on her shoulders and is quite capable of being extremely mercenary in attitude and application. Olesya is responsible for some of the most important rediscoveries of art and technology, and intends to play a large part in the future of the Odyesa and the other skyships.

Alina Ulrika Samarin Odyesa and Vadim Alfred Poushkin Odyesa - Lover and loather of Mariya respectively. These two characters are Mariya's 'minions' and serve under her in the police force. Throughout the story, these characters will rarely stray from Mariya's side and their juxtaposing relationships with her serve to strengthen her resolve.

Stepan Adolfus Tarasova Odyesa - Stepan is the chief engineer of the Odyesa, knowing the vessel better than anyone else aboard. Events of the story will bring him into frequent contact with our heroine.

Sasha Angelika Engle Eugen - Part time teacher, part time opium addict and full time history buff. Sasha is one of the rare Vestaen believers and will lend her services to our main cast with varied results.

Erika Katalin Ulyanov - A captain in the House Ulyanov militia. A bitch of epic proportions. Can't say more than that!

Maxim 'Bjoern' Altman Mashchenko Odyesa - Sergeant in the Odyesian military. Responsible for the safety of our heroes and villains alike. A dedicated, well-built man frequently motivated by patriotic fervour and the safety of those serving under him. Likable, tough and despite his size, a master of tunnel fighting thanks to a career fending of pirate incursions.

Well, that should be enough for now. I hope I've piqued your interest!


P.S. Would still like to get some images of certain characters drawn up, if you know anyone good, do let me know!