
Hello you strange and quite possibly scary internet person you!

What you will find here is a sample of my creative mind hard at sleep along, possibly some updates on my other hobbies, interests, and of course my never ending periods of writers block.

Hopefully something here will interest you. If not...well. Sod off!

Herein you will find links to my stories, and possibly some abortive attempts at writing. Most are too long to paste into these boxes, so links and updates will have to suffice!


Sunday, 27 November 2011

So far...

...so good.

2000 words minimum per day works fine for weekends it would seem. But for weekdays, that's going to kill me. So, I think I'm going to drop the amount during the week to 1k minimum per day.

Here's hoping I can keep that pace!


Saturday, 26 November 2011

And so it begins...

Yes. I have finally, and certainly not before time, started work on this story. I've written in new characters, altered others...and I'm at a point where I am happy to proceed.

My aim is at least 2000 words per sitting, which will be preferably every day (not promising anything...cue the glare at Skyrim and Red Orchestra 2).

Here's to a glorious, and hopefully successful endeavour.


Saturday, 19 November 2011

Population Control

Although I have had a good idea for a lot of the characters in the story I wish to tell, now has come the time to add some real meat to their bones.

Working on quirks, faiths, ages, apperances of all the major (and some inconsequential) characters. Once I'm done with that it's showtime.


Screw you still, Skyrim.


Tuesday, 15 November 2011


Damn you Skyrim....damn you.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

First Draft Completed

Phew, 41 pages of plot exposition and 16,000 words in bulletpoints.

Now the real work begins!

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

More plot

Getting to the end of my first draft of the plot.

I haven't even thought of a name for the thing yet!

14000 words and counting...merely of interconnecting bulletpoints. It'll be a relief to actually start writing properly!


Monday, 7 November 2011


Walking home after nattering on the phone to people in Seattle for work (I work in England. They keep terribly unfavourable times over there), I had a wonderfully fun idea for an ending to this story I'm penning. Shits all over the last idea I had!

Or at least I think so!

You can't shackle my creativity damnit!


Sunday, 6 November 2011

A Phillthy Library

As promised...

I've written plenty of smut over the last two years or so...you can find it here, all nice and neat and individually tagged. Because I'm nice like that and there's subject matter than only appeals to a small minority of perverts...

And seriously...it's all very graphic erotica. So if that isn't your thing. Do Not Click the Link!

Dead Girls Don't Say No : Contains - [Lesbianism], [Heterosexual], [Non-Consensual], [Rape], [Mild Violence], [Blood], [Complete], [Messy], [Original Sci-Fi], [Post Apocalyptic], [Zombies], [Sort of..necrophilia]

Decadence and Decay : Contains – [Voyeurism], [Heterosexual], [Violence], [Guro], [Non-Consensual], [Oral Sex], [Consensual], [Anal Sex], [Fantasy – Original Setting], [Ongoing]

Velvet: Servant of Desire : Contains – [Demon], [Lesbianism], [Heterosexual], [Solo], [Messy], [Threesome], [Magic], [Transformation], [Oral Sex], [Warhammer Fantasy Setting], [Ongoing]

Adrift In The Empresses Halls : Contains – [Bizarre], [Non-Consensual], [Wet and Messy], [Oviposition], [Monster], [Fantasy – Original Setting], [One Shot]

A Dream is Just a Dream : Contains – [Lesbianism], [Messy], [Oral Sex], [Fingers], [Toys], [Gender Swap], [Threesome], [Fantasy – Original Setting], [Ongoing]

Deceit : Contains – [Voyeurism], [Heterosexual], [Jealousy], [Non-Consensual], [Lesbianism], [Snuff], [Fantasy – Original Setting], [Decadence and Decay Tie-In]

Electric Heart : Contains – [Lesbianism], [Prostitution]. [Consensual], [Heterosexual], [Non-Consensual], [Adultery], [Sci-Fi – Original Setting], [Ongoing], [My favourite!]

Muse : Contains – [Heterosexual], [Consensual], [Demon], [Historical Fantasy Setting], [One Shot]

Grandfather's Gifts : Contains – [Lesbianism], [Guro], [Non-Consensual], [Insects], [Decay], [Corruption], [Messy], [Warhammer 40,000 Underhive Setting], [One Shot], [Not for the faint hearted]

Within the Spirit : Contains – [Heterosexual], [Sort of Non-Consensual but not really], [Ghost], [One Shot]

And I was commissioned to write...

How Not to Steal an Egg : Contains – [Bestiality], [Dragon] [Night Elf], [Pheromones], [Messy], [Warcraft Setting], [One Shot]

Black and Blue : Contains – [Bestiality], [Futa], [Panther], [Night Elf], [Warcraft Setting], [One Shot]

There are a few more things that can be found HERE but they are mostly things I have no pride in.


A novel begins with...


So far I have spent three weeks working on a plotline for the story I wish to tell. I've accumulated around 12, 000 words so far, bullet pointing the tale. I know how it ends. It's the journey that needs to be fleshed out!

I was hoping to have the bulk of the remaining segments of the plot hammered down. Then I need to start truly building upon the characters I've imagines and define their quirks and habits. Phew!

Then I guess comes designing the technology of my world. Although I've gotten a huge amount of that nailed down already in my bonce - so it should be a breeze!

THEN...I think I will start actually writing. Gotta keep going - distraction is my ruin.



Beef short ribs from the plate, rubbed in mustard, chilli, smoked paprika, cooked for 7 hours with a honey and brown sugar glaze is...holyshit...amazing.

I think I may have eaten my own bodyweight in moocow.


Back in the saddle?

Right then!

I've been idle about keeping this thing updated for far too long. Shortly I will upload links to various different stories I've written and indeed posted online. Of course, being me, they're dangerously perverse - I will tag them, so if you do follow the link...you'll know what you're getting yourself into.

Other than that, I've decided to put my smut writing on hold and actually start to attempt to achieve something worthy of submitting to a publishing house. That's right...like everyone else I plan to write a novel!

Will keep you posted...in various posts.


Well! That's enough for now
