
Hello you strange and quite possibly scary internet person you!

What you will find here is a sample of my creative mind hard at sleep along, possibly some updates on my other hobbies, interests, and of course my never ending periods of writers block.

Hopefully something here will interest you. If not...well. Sod off!

Herein you will find links to my stories, and possibly some abortive attempts at writing. Most are too long to paste into these boxes, so links and updates will have to suffice!


Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Map of the Odyesa

One map of the Odyesa and her various districts! Courtesy of Matt from an original doodle by me!

(Click for larger version)

Monday, 6 August 2012

A busy weekend

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Friday, 3 August 2012

Cue Mister Productivity.

Mr. Productivity is a hard bastard to get a hold of these days it seems. I've been calling him and leaving little notes all over the place, but it seems that he just isn't around at the moment. However, having said that, this weekend we're meeting up for the first time in a while and we're going to catch up, spend some time together. I may even be forced to kidnap the bastard.

I've been incredibly slack, not least in keeping up blog posts, but moreso in writing. So many distractions and general lack of effort on my part. I'm a bad person.

But! This weekend will see me cut off from the timesinks, and will provide some proper writing time.

Here goes nothing!
